Missing Link Support- 
Service Provider

Our Aims & Objectives as a Service Provider

Our Overall Aim is to empower individuals with Learning Disabilities, Mental ill Health, Autism and Physical Disabilities to live independent, fulfilling, and valued lives within their communities.

We believe every person has the ability to shine and make a positive impact in the world.

We want to enable, empower and support people to live happy and meaningful lives.


Independence and Choice

Promote independent living skills: Train individuals in daily living tasks such as cooking, cleaning, budgeting, and personal care.

Support participation in decision-making: Encourage and empower individuals to express their preferences and choices regarding their support and daily routines.

Increase access to community resources: Assist individuals in navigating community services, transportation, and leisure activities to build independence.

Mental and Physical Well-being

Provide individualised mental health support: Partner with mental health professionals to offer therapies, counselling, and emotional support tailored to each individual's needs.

Promote positive self-esteem and confidence: Create a supportive environment that fosters self-acceptance, personal growth, and a sense of achievement.

Manage stress and anxiety: Develop coping mechanisms and relaxation techniques to improve emotional well-being and reduce stress triggers.

Physical activity: Encourage daily physical activity according to individuals capabilities and preferences

Healthy diet: Promote, encourage and support individuals to implement healthy eating and drinking habits in their daily routine

Sleep: empower individuals to implement healthy sleep routine in their lives 

Connect with nature: Encourage individuals to spend time outdoors, in fresh air, green spaces and with animals.

Social Connection and Inclusion

Facilitating social opportunities: Organise group activities, peer support groups, and community engagement initiatives to combat isolation and build meaningful connections.

Promote understanding and acceptance: Advocate for disability awareness and inclusion within the community.

Build support networks: Connect individuals with family, friends, and community resources to foster a sense of belonging and support.

Holistic Support

Address physical health needs: Partner with healthcare professionals to ensure access to preventative care, medical services, and healthy lifestyle choices.

Provide educational and skill-building opportunities: Offer workshops, training programs, and vocational support to enhance skills and employment prospects.

Empower families and caregivers: Provide resources, training, and support to families and caregivers involved in the individual's care.

Continuous Improvement

Regularly assess individual needs and goals: Ensure ongoing personalised support plans that reflect changing needs and aspirations.

Seek feedback from service users and stakeholders: Encourage open communication and actively listen to feedback to improve service delivery.

Embrace innovation and best practices: Continuously research and implement new approaches and technologies to enhance the quality of care.

What we do

All support services are tailored around and designed with each individual depending on their level of needs, current strengths and outcomes they aim to achieve.

Individuals supported by Missing Link, live in their own homes and may require additional help to remain independent. Some of the activities people may need assistance with are: 

  • Personal care
  • Looking after their tenancy
  • Domestic duties
  • Planning and preparing meals
  • Community activities
  • Maintaining relationships 
  • Educational or employment activities
  • Ordering and administering medication
  • Maintaining health and wellbeing 

 And more. 

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